Wednesday, March 4, 2009

update in pictures

On Valentine's Day our friends hosted a "dress up" party. The kids had a blast - they LOVE to dress up. The weather has been great in the mid/high 80's for the last few weeks, so we have been outside a lot. I am thankful because warmer weather = fewer clothes/swimsuits = less laundry - hip hip hooray!

One more thing - Jameson is very brown - he is not the whitey we thought he was. He is the only child we have had that was born white and browned up after a couple of weeks. Janae was white for the first year or so, but has gotten browner over the years. I love his brown complexion. I guess he will be tall, dark and handsome :). He is still long and skinny. He hasn't gained that much weight.

My friend Tracy, from high school, came for a visit and her 4 year old is an amazing little baseball player. He could hit hard line drives and catch anything. Jordan was so impressed and loved having a friend to play ball with.


Unknown said...

Who is that brown baby? He looks like a different kid!

Andrea Hill said...

Yeah baby Jameson is getting some color. Very nice. Evenly split up now with all the kids. The pics are just darling.

Christie said...

Your babies get cuter and cuter and cuter every time I pop over to visit. What a blessing!

Big hug


Alicia said...

I always love seeing your pictures--your kids are all just darling! I forgot to tell you that my Elijah's birthday is also Jan. 27--so I'll remember that Mr. Jameson is 11 years younger. Bless you Joy.

rachel said...

fun times! and YAY! for less laundry!!!

Mona said...

Your family is so beautiful! Does Mr. Pudge ever stop smiling? He is such a cutie. And Jameson looks completely different, but still as cute as ever.

Amber said...

He does seem to be getting darker. What a handsome baby!
Dress up party? Fun!