Friday, January 23, 2009

Tid bits to answer your questions about delivery

My last 2 posts are in response to different people asking how I am doing and other random baby questions. Please feel free to share your tips and advice on my last 2 posts. I would love to hear them.

*Yes, I am sure my doctor would induce me - after all, I must be his best customer :) - but pitocin makes laboring naturally so much harder. The contractions really don't feel natural at all and I would be stuck to the bed to be monitored. I did this with Jacklyn (not knowing I would be stuck to the bed) and it was something I really don't want to repeat if possible.

*He could just break my water, but I need 4 hours of antibiotic drip because of past history of strep B and my babies come quickly after my water breaks. My water has never broken on its own. In fact, Joanna was going to be born in her bag, but the doctor broke it right at the end to help me deliver her.

*Yes - I will labor naturally (Lord willing and helping me) in the hospital (something Javi insists on) - it is absolutely painful - no doubt, but when I want to give up, a hot shower beating on my back gets me through and speeds things up. Afterwards, I feel a major high that doesn't compare to anything - like running a marathon. It is such an amazing thing to experience with your spouse, but even more amazing is the full dependence you have on the Lord at that time. Us comfortable Americans do not have many times when things are absolutely out of our control in which we have to depend so deeply on the Lord to carry us through literally minute by minute. It is also a bonus that I can get up and shower right away after the birth :).

*No, I am not scared of delivery, but I am already scared of the after birth contractions that come with nursing and that seem worse with each baby. I am all for drugs AFTER the baby is born to help with the nursing contractions.

*My earliest delivery (not including Jacklyn who was induced early) was Jordan at 4 days early and Janae and Joanna were 5-6 days late. So I would say it is not likely I will deliver early, but I can still hope :).

*My babies have all weighed between 5 lbs 6 oz and 7 lbs 1 oz. I have a feeling Jameson might break the record and be our biggest baby yet, although I hope not. I would rather they stay small and then grow big once they are out of me :).

*Janae and Julia both really want to be there for the birth. We are praying and hoping, but it is not likely since it is RSV season and they usually do not allow children in the hospital to visit during this time.


Alicia said...

Joy, bless your heart! May the Lord give you great joy and peace during these days before delivery. I know that everyone has their own theories and stories, and since you said you are open to hearing comments I thought I'd pass these on as they were very helpful during my last 2 deliveries (but feel free to take them or leave them, as everyone's body is different). When I knew that I was in the early stages of labor a bit of castor oil really kicked in the labor. (My first 3 deliveries I needed pitocin, and my last 2 with the castor oil, I didn't). It can really kick in--like 4-6 hours after you take it though, so be prepared! And also, I really recommend going down on all fours when you are in a contraction. It took the pressure off the back and gut and was just effective in the dialation. My 2 cents! May the Lord bring him quickly and safely.

rachel said...

i had an induction with jude and it was awful. i had a natural birth with indigo with a midwife (at the hospital) and it was perfect. it really wasn't that painful -- maybe 15 minutes or so were really unbearable, but it passed, and i was on to pushing out my 8 lb 7 ouncer in 10 minutes. then i was on a natural high for the next 2 days. it was amazing! i'm currently in training to become a doula! so i love your positive explanation of natural birth. there are so many horror stories out there and it really is an exhilarating experience.

Jenni said...

I agree, best to let the baby come when he's ready.
Although, castor oil certainly did help get things started when several of my babies were a week over due- by that point you're beginning to feel desperate!
And for those after pains-Advil and plenty of it!
I feel the same way-no need to suffer through those when your work is done and all you want to do is enjoy your baby!
Praying for a healthy, fast and safe delivery!!

Andrea Hill said...

I am absolutely proud of you for letting your baby come natural without injections or getting pain relief. I know it is so painful but what an accomplishment for a strong woman like you. I insisted on doing the same with both of my bio girls.