Friday, November 23, 2007

Thanksgiving and family stuff

We had a great Thanksgiving with family and our new niece, Elizabeth. She is warming up every day and is never short on smiles. She still likes to be near her mom and/or dad, but she was happy not to be held constantly. She spent a long time sitting at a little table feeding a bottle to her baby doll and speaking Chinese baby talk to her. It was sweet.

Joanna flies free until she turns 2 so she often flies to San Diego with Grandma. Today they will go there together again. She loves the special time with Grandma and visiting her great grandparents and great aunts. We get a little break from the messes and it is amazing how much we get done without her :) - but we will all miss her terribly - we always do. She makes life so fun. She is always saying something new and funny. Jacklyn and Joanna have really become buddies and play/sing together most of the day while the kids do school. It is really precious to see their relationship developing.


Anonymous said...

I LOVE the first picture of Jacklyn and Joanna! What great buddies they have become. The tree looks beautiful - a big thank you to Carina.

Love, Grandma