Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Matthew 25 missions

We were blessed to meet up with Lana and Ernie while we were in Mexico. They go there often to bring food, clothing, blankets and Bibles to some of the families the local church there is ministering too. In fact, many of you have given me donations for Lana to use for her garage sales to benefit Uganda, and Burundi. She also uses those donations to bring to Mexico.

On this trip we met this lady Ana, who had no formula and was not lactating, so she was feeding her 3 month old water and flour. Lana, who has known Ana for a while, gave her some bags of food and got to name the baby. I then nursed him for her and gave her the formula I had in my diaper bag. He was also very congested so Ernie got the Eucalyptus oil out of her purse and mixed it with some olive oil and rubbed it on him to help him breathe. It was neat how God was able to use the little we had to help this woman. When we returned to AZ and told my parents about her, their Bible study group jumped into action collecting quite a bit of formula to send down to her. She is very thankful for the help, but still bewildered why these Christians would help her. We had a good casual talk with her explaining that there are no strings attached, we just love her because Christ has filled us with this love and we just want to bless her.

We were also able to visit this lady, Marisa, who has 7 children. They collect cans and bottles to help pay for food. She has a beautiful faith in the Lord and a joyful spirit.
The kids loved holding her new puppies too :)


Anonymous said...

I've never commented before, but I just saw a blog that you might be interested in reading. It's from a missionary in Haiti who lives about 10 minutes from the Dominican Republic border. He is currently running a supply chain from the Dominican Republic into his area and then onto Port-au-Prince to supply local ministries with urgent supplies. In his January 14th post he mentions that he needs contacts in the Dominican Republic to help with this, especially those who speak Spanish and have connections with the local churches. I thought of your family and the connections you have. Thought you might know of someone that could help him. The website is www.highwaytohaiti.com

Christina Heisler said...

Joy- I just want to give my support to you nursing that baby! What a gift. Praise God for your generosity in such a natural need. I hate that situations like that even exist. Thank you for making us aware.

Mona said...

What a beautiful story. And how awesome that your children can see how easy it is to reach out and help others.