Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Celebrating 14 years of wedded bliss ;) - by God's grace. I am thankful for the husband and daddy the Lord has given me and our kids. Javier said this morning, "Well 7 of those years we were having babies (2008 we "had" 2) - so what were doing the other 7?" Believe it or not, Javier really loves babies - especially when they are under 1 year. I love that about him. Truth be told, I think he loves them because they are quiet and don't make messes yet and because he has the special touch with all of our babies. He can calm them or get them to sleep anywhere - anytime.

Last night he rented a movie I would like and he surprised me with some gifts (big deal since we rarely give gifts and I gave him a hard time for not giving me anything for Christmas - even though gifts are definately NOT my love language). Tonight we are going to go out to dinner with a gift card while my parents watch the kids. Then Jameson will stay the night and go to San Diego with my mom for a day or 2 to meet his great grandparents and other relatives that live there.


jeanette said...

Happy 14th!

Andrea Hill said...

Oh Joy, congratulations. You are such a beautiful couple. And yes that is hard to believe that he loves babies but I believe you. Love you! Hope you have a wonderful night together.

The Okrasinski's said...

Congratulations! So happy for you guys!

Amber said...

Happy Anniversary! Have a Blessed New Year!

rachel said...

happy anniversary!

Mom Of Many said...

Happy Anniversary - such sweet pictures of you two...

May God continue to bless your marriage abundantly!

Colleen and JF Bertrand said...

Happy 14th anniversary! You guys look great!

Laura said...

Hi Joy! Grace Pruitt gave me your blog...we are adopting two boys from ET and I'm pregnant! I really want to travel, but would love to be able to ask you about your experience heading over to ET while pregnant. Would you mind e-mailing me at I don't know anyone else who has attempted this! And, your family is absolutely abundantly the Lord has blessed you and your husband!
