If you are one of many thinking, "What difference is adopting one child going to make when there are more than 140 million orphans?" or "It really will take a lot of $ and time to adopt/add one more child to our lives" - just let these pictures speak to your heart whether or not the "ransom" is worth it.
Imagine your child . . . yes the one you tuck into a warm bed with a kiss and a snuggle . . . the one you care for and stroke when they are sick . . . the one you have pictures of plastered all over your house because you are so proud of them . . . . . the one you make sure has plenty of healthy food, clean water and beautiful clothes and the one who is involved in amazing activities . . . . that you would give the world for . . . . . imagine that precious gift sitting in an orphanage or more likely on the streets. . . . . . going unnoticed . . . . . not loved and definitely not cuddled or kissed at night . . . . . .uncared for when they are sick . . . . . . . . going hungry . . . . . and sitting in a crib or bed silent and lifeless.
I can not help but think this is what our Lord - Father God is thinking. He must be saying, "Where are my people? Why are they not taking care of my beloved children?"
If you are a follower of Christ, please pray, fast and ask God what your role would be in caring for the orphans AND widows - that is exactly how we got to the point of adopting. Everyone's response will look different, however we must do more for the orphans around the world. I know - I have seen it first hand and now I must be a voice for them.
A few years ago, we became convicted that sending $ to support some kids wasn't enough according to the blessings the Lord had bestowed on us. We could do more, so we had to listen and follow His leading.
Has the Lord nudged your heart and you have ignored it . . . . or do you justify why this wouldn't be convenient for you? Do not turn a deaf ear to his leading. Could you do more for these orphans and are not?
All I know is that we will have to answer to the Lord one day what we did with our time, resources, talents and money. Yes, even our "talents" as mothers. I know many who the Lord has blessed to be great parents, who are raising sweet kids, who have a love for the Lord and are financially stable - what a gift the Lord has given you and what a blessing it would be to use that gift to be Jesus' hands and feet and give a child an earthly example of a mother and father's love, so that one day they might be able to know and trust in the Heavenly Father. I mean really . . . it is such a beautiful picture of how the Lord paid our ransom (He paid far more than $20,000 or $30,000 - he gave everything including dying on the cross) and he took us - lost -and adopted us as His own children and utterly transformed our lives.
I hate when people say, not all are called to adopt, because I think at that point people are quick to say - "yep that is me - one of those not called to adopt". It is true, not all are called to adopt, however, I am sure many more are called and we should all surrender that and at least seek the Lord and ask him if we should adopt. If not, there are other ways to support and serve orphanages and adoptive families - we have seen and experienced this too through our church family.
Overall, Christ followers should be KNOWN for adopting orphans, in this lost and dying world - it should not be as rare as it is now. You can be a missionary in your own home, declaring God's salvation to the nations.
Our hearts overflow and rejoice in what the Lord has done as we can not help but GIVE THANKS - to Him who has done far more than we could ask or imagine. He has "set the lonely in families" and transformed the boys' lives, our family's life and touched so many lives we never imagined. 80% of the pictures are like these, distant and turning away from everyone
Give Thanks Always
2 years ago
You have just said EVERYTHING I have said to myself a MILLION times!! I'm so glad we chose to pay the "ransom"! I know she IS worth it!
They have come so far. We have so much to be thankful for.
You bring tears to my eyes. Thank you.
Joy, I love you!!! What a beautiful, heartfelt, but most and foremost convicting post to all Christ Followers. If even they could all come together, how many more orphans could come home. You are right, one day we all have to answer! And what a precious Thanksgviving for you last year.
You sons are thriving so much are are just beautiful. Many blessings to you and your whole family.
Thank you for your boldness, honesty, and love for Jesus and his children. I am thankful for you and your family.
You are so right. I wish EVERYONE could understand the plight of the orphans in this world. I can't go to bed at night without being haunted by the images I saw while adopting my two babies from Vietnam.
I just read through your whole blog and you have a beautiful family. We are adopting from Ethiopia and considering using Adoption Avenues.I was just wondering if you were happy with your experience with the Agency and would you recommend them? How was the service in Ethiopia? Please feel free to contact me at kayakheather@hotmail.com. I would really appreciate the advice.
Take care,
very inspiring. thank you for your words.
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