Melkamu 15 months
Abush 4 months
It has been 1 year since July 24, 2008 when I saw their faces for the first time! I just got an email that said, "See attached" - I loved them at first sight. Our kids went crazy too. No - I didn't think they were "the cutest" by the world's standards, (referral pictures rarely show them as cute as they really are), but they were the most precious treasures to me (now I do think they are absolutely beautiful ;)). Just like when your biological babies are born, they could come out with purple poka dots and you would gush with unconditional love. I couldn't stop zooming in on their pictures and checking out every part of them and reading and rereading their reports. What pure joy - these were my boys! The little thing that I secretly hoped was that they would have the big beautiful eyes that so many Ethiopians have - and they do!
On a side note, Javier was excited to finally have the referral -but he was more level headed and said, "Yeah, they are cute." He was happy, and thankful for our answered prayer, but not crazy in love or gushing. He wanted to know about their reports etc.
For those wondering, our referral took 3 months from the time our dossier landed in Ethiopia.
I can't believe it's been a year- I remember you sharing the exciting news!
Your reaction and your husband's sounds a lot like mine and my husband's. The emotional bond is slower for the guys and I think the worst anyone could do is to try to force it to happen.
It does happen, but they just need time to think it through a little sometimes.
I love that you shared about your secret was mine too and it looks like we both lucked out!
Yes, its been a year and I still remember the moment when you shared those pics with me and boy did I fell in love with your little guys! Off to work.
they are beautiful :)
I remember how happy you were :)
A year already , wow.
Amazing what a difference a year makes! Your little guys have come so far since the referral photos! And you're right, they are really cute - especially in person. Congratulations!
wow, a year already! congratulations! the boys are so handsome! what a gift from God!
WOW - time flies by. Love your boys (and all your children).
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