Thursday, November 27, 2008


This is Jeanette, Joy's sister, once again blogging for her.

I've had many people ask if we've heard any more news from them. Sadly, no we haven't. The only communication we had was that one email from last Sunday.

As of right now, they should be 8 hours into their 17.5 hour flight home. Once they land here back in the States, they have a nearly 12 hour layover before getting on the 5 hour flight home.

Please pray that all 5 of them get good sleep on the flights. Please also pray that they can catch an earlier flight home instead of spending an entire day in an airport. That is a huge prayer request since it's the day after Thanksgiving and usually a busy flying day...but our God is a god of let's pray for one! :)

I highly doubt Joy will be up for blogging for awhile once she gets home. If she isn't, I'll try to at least post and let you know they're home safe and sound and if there is anything y'all could pray specifically for. :)


Andrea Hill said...

Thanks so much Jeanette. I have no clue when they were flying back. I will pray for the and really hope they are not stuck all day at the airport. I just want Joy to get home and rest.

Chris said...

Thank You Jeanette:)
Can't wait to hear more .
Hope that they can get in a plane earlier in Washington.

Amber said...

Thanks for the updates...I am sure they will all be exhausted when they get home.

Ransomed~Redeemed said...

hi there, Are you pregnant? I ask as I am pregnant and want to adopt from Ethiopia. Do you know of an agency that allows this? Thanks, Alida w4